Already taking Japan by storm and breaking records along the way, 'Your Name' is the story of city boy Taki and country girl Mitsuha... two unconnected teenagers who find themselves mysteriously united through their dreams.
In recent decades, animation has come a long way - both in terms of technical capabilities and in the more emotionally resonant stories they tell. In everything from the 'Toy Story' franchise and 'Up' to the aforementioned Studio Ghibli films and 'Inside Out', there has been a more pronounced balance between spectacle and heart, allowing them to transcend demographics.
And it shows.
Though packed with enough wit and laugh-out-loud situational humour to keep people of all ages amused, 'Your Name' never shies away from its deeper themes. Themes which include everything from the disparity between life in the country and life in the city, the coming-of-age and burgeoning sexuality, love, loss, and the clash of ancient tradition against the back-drop of a modern world. It's all there, coming together to form something not so much the fantasies that Studio Ghibli creates but something more akin to Magical Realism.
Regardless, 'Your Name' remains an astounding accomplishment! A visually stunning, often hilarious, and consistently heart-wrenching exploration of life and love across all boundaries.
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