Unfortunately Clay is something of an emotionally stunted man child and somehow the plan becomes to hold an epic booze filled Christmas party (something his sister is strongly against) to try and seduce a wealthy potential client to save the company. But somewhere between an overly enthusiastic DJ and an unpredictable drug dealer things get out of hand, and the safety of the company seems to be more and more unpredictable with every passing second.
Whilst this sounds like a classic comedy set up of our heroes battling increasing disaster our characters are never really allowed to fail so the stakes don’t feel real. Problems are solved almost as soon as they appear, characters change their personalities to fit whatever it is they need to do to move the plot forward from scene to scene, and without giving away any spoilers the ending just seems like super convenient nonsense.
This goes double for Bateman and Olivia Munn’s burgeoning romance that plays like the emotional core of the movie but is actually really boring and has absolutely no reason to not work out so what’s the point. On top of that almost all the side plots of the various employees fall completely flat.
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