Said premise revolves around Arthur (Bernard Hill), his wife Martha (Virginia McKenna) and their friends who are all retired seniors who spend their days in the local bowls club commiserating medical expenses and slowly learning that they’re all being screwed over by their various pension funds. Being pushed towards poverty by what he sees as the crooked banks Arthur hatches a half-baked plan to steal a lock box from an armoured car. When by sheer dumb luck the plan sort of works it sets off a chain of events that escalates into a growing crime spree of comedic proportions.
We feel enough for the pensioners that we want them to succeed but a young flash detective, full of himself and obsessively spray tanned who is set about to pursue them never extends beyond his two dimensions and works largely as a plot device, which is a shame as the film lacks a proper villain beyond the banks, not that we don’t all hate the banks, so the tension is pretty low overall.
The script lacks a comedic eye, the direction lack artistry and to be blunt it’s pretty boring to look at, but despite all this the film does manage to be entertaining through to the slightly anti-climactic finale that probably looked more exciting on paper than it does in camera, and whilst easily forgettable as a whole there’s a few good laughs and our heroes are sympathetic.
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