Anyway, 'Fantastic Four' is a reboot that deviates from the source material significantly enough for me to have gone into it quite skeptically, as many did I’m sure. In fact it’s not unfair to remark that the story deviates so far from the original that you can’t help but wonder whether or not they only called it 'Fantastic Four' to avoid copyright infringement.
Accompanied by Dr Storm's son Johnny (Michael B Jordan) and rival genius Victor Von Doom (Toby Kebbell), the originator of Dr Storm’s dimensional travel project, they perfect the design and prepare to travel to the other dimension. And if you know much of anything about the Fantastic Four you can surmise the rest of the film. Things don’t go as planned, super powers are gained, the world comes into peril and our heroes must save the day.
If the superhero stuff seems like more of an afterthought in that description it’s because it pretty much is in the film as well, but that’s not strictly speaking a complaint, the film is about seventy percent extended origin story and it actually all works really well. The characters are well established, although Ben Grimm is criminally underused, I’m tempted to say the younger version in the opening flashback has more screen time than Jamie Bell does. Weird as it may seem, the film actually suffers once the superhero element kicks in.
The conspiracy amounts to much of nothing and the four, despite being conflicted about their allegiances and fearful of their abilities come to terms with these issues in a screen that reads “1 Year Later” (yes, really, we skip this entire plot development). Dr Doom shows up in the third act just long enough to make enemies and crowbar in a climactic battle and that’s it, that’s all we got.
The individual pieces work but the whole doesn’t fit together. I didn’t hate it as much as some seem to have and I’d watch a sequel if one did emerge, but I don’t think I can recommend this film with any enthusiasm. See it at your own risk I suppose is what I’m saying.
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