SPOILER ALERT: the title is actually very misleading: while the first act of the film made me believe Ruth’s victims might all be linked to a tragedy that would happen to the daughter once she was born, this was not the case at all. In fact, we soon realise that all Ruth’s victims are responsible the tragic climbing accident leading to her love’s death, and that this may not be a supernatural story, but a gritty psychological thriller with a dash of dark comedy. Having the twist this way around left me feeling cheated and I wonder if my reaction might have been different with another film title, though.
The choice of locations was also great: starting with a strange animal shop full of snakes and spiders, we move to a 70s disco night at a pub, with crucial moments later taking place at a climbing club and at a Halloween party. All greatly enhanced by Ryan Eddleston’s cinematography, which hits the perfect balance of beautiful, disturbing, realistic and almost grotesque.
Performances were also strong overall, with a few great scenes, though my favorite was Jo Hartley as Ruth’s midwife, as her utter sensitivity and truthfulness anchored in the tragic reality of the story, yet (and therefore) become the only character to give me the chuckles during the film.
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