The sense of anticipation I had at the start of the film dwindled within minutes into confusion and then plummeted into downright indifference. Arguably you shouldn't be thinking "meh" when the fight scene that has been billed as the punch up of the year is being duked out on the screen in front of you. That's not to say that the 'Batman vs Superman' barney didn't contain pleasing CGI. It was a short, reasonably perfunctory affair that was done no justice by the 90 minutes preceding it and still left you somewhat confused as to how you got there. It wasn't a justifiable rumble in the jungle so much as a petulant grudge match. What immediately followed the fight was also meant to be the emotional linchpin of the warring duo's reconciliation, but was utterly facile, saccharine and unbelievable. I don't expect to have my bottom lip quivering when I watch a comic book film, but I do want to feel some empathy with the characters in the moments that count.
"Hey Super-Geek, is Batman dreaming or hallucinating now?
"I have no idea."
"Why are we in a Mad Max type desert and what are those things?"
"Still no idea."
I love comic book films. Marvel's films are colourful, dynamic and full of witty conflict and camaraderie. DC films are the perturbed and pessimistic counterpart. The irasicble good guys fight with neurotic force more than finesse and only Wonder Woman provides any light relief.
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